Calibration & Maintenance are essential activities to ensure the smooth functioning of devices onboard and in industrial setups. Periodic calibrations, checks & maintenance are important to avoid costly break down times or malfunctioning of devices

1. Engine Control Room Alarms and Monitoring System.
2. Main Engine Maneuvering.
3. Main Engine & Auxiliary Engine Safety & Control System.
4. IOPP / 15 PPM Bilge Alarm Monitor system.
5. Fire Detection System.
6. Fixed Gas Detection System & Portable Gas Instruments.
7. ODMCS System.
8. Ullage Temperature Interface (UTI).
9. Water Ingress System.
10. Tank Level Indicating System.
11. Ballast Tank Level Gauging system. (Draft Gauge)-Purge unit.
12. Cargo Pump Temperature Monitoring & Safety System.
13. Cargo Tank Level Alarm System- 95% & 98% Alarm system.
14. Navigation Light.
15. Boiler Control & Incinerator control.
16. Bow Thruster Control System.
17. Steering Gear Control & Alarm System.
18. Winch Control & Alarm System.
19. IG System-Deck Press. Transmitter/ Controller, IG recorder, Alarms.
20. Crane Control & Safety System.
21. Cargo Compressors-Alarms & Trips for Gas Carrier vessel.
22. Pneumatic Transmitter & Controller for Press. /Temp./Level parameters.
23. Pressure, Level & Temperature Control System.
24. Oil Mist Detector.
25. M.E. & A.E. - Jacket Water Cooling, L.O. Cooling, Purifier Heater Temp. Controller Pneumatic / Electronic Controller, Valve Positioner, I to P Converter.
26. C.P.P. Control System.
27. Bilge Alarm System.
28. Tank Temperature & Pressure Monitoring system.
29. PA System & Talkback System.
30. Halon Alarm System.
31. Engine Telegraph.
32. Battery Charger.
33. Wind Indicator.
34. Retrofitting / Installation & Commissioning of Instrumentation System.
35. Tubing at site – for Process/ Air- Copper /SS/ Pneumatic tubing.
36. PCB Repair.
37. PLC & HMI Repairs.